19 November 2009

gathered thoughts

i've gathered my thoughts & here is my message to whoever YOU are :

you have to act with courage & conviction in order to control your destiny
do this by examining your relationships to see where they may be fulfilling. Then rather than considering where they may be failing you think about how you can add more love to them and how you can see them as an offering of universal love.

there is a weak foundation for our emotional being and unless we stable the foundation, nothing can be built.

we will continue to be stuck in an emotional rut and eventually sink if we can not harden our grounds.

@qiFLOW] otherwise u will fall into the hands of the destiny another has created for themselves <----YES instead of the 1 that is created for you Todays number is going to be 1. For so many reasons. Mainly because the number 1 deals with SELF

One primarily deals with strong will, positivity, pure energy. The number One reflects new beginnings, and purity. The symbolic meaning of number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental. This combined with Ones urgency for new beginnings, we begin to see Ones recurring in our lives indicates a time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture. One encourages us our action will be rewarded in kind.

So today allow the #1 to physically and mentally prepare you for a new beginning, a new FOUNDATION, and build from the inside out.


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