Health Spell: De-Stressing Spell - A Spell For Calming & Relaxing
You will need :
- fresh grass
- lavender
- rose petals
- olive oil
- white candle
- cauldron (small) (an essence burner would do it with small quantities of the ingredients)
- your favourite quartz crystals
- 1 white candle
Mix the fresh grass, lavender and rose petals in the cauldron and add a touch of olive oil.
Place the crystals around the candle, light the candle.
Heat the olive oil, rose petals, lavender & grass. mix for approx. 5 minutes.
Inhale the scent through your nose and breathe out through your mouth, with your eyes closed and focusing on "calming and relaxing in, and stress and misery out'' as you do that.
Continue for about five minutes or until you really feel the stress melting away and deep calm returning.
For the final touch, turn to the candle when you are ready and say:
"All remaining (anger/stress/fear/sadness/etc) will now go,
from the inside to the outside, make it so."
Take 11 deep breaths as before and on the 12, blow out the candle.
It is done.